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Criminal Intelligence

Criminal intelligence is information that is collected and analyzed in an effort to prevent or monitor criminal activity. Criminal intelligence analysis is a way which show us how we can approach the investigation of crime and criminals by using the intelligence and information that we have collected.

We have three types of crime analysis: administrative, strategic, and tactical.

Administrative crime analysis is the presentation of findings of crime research and analysis based on legal, political, and practical concerns to inform the law enforcement administration, the city government, and citizens.

The primary purpose of administrative crime analysis is to inform audiences.

An example of administrative crime analysis is to post information on the police department’s website to inform citizens and the community.

Besides citizens, the audience can include police personnel, businesses, victims, criminals, and the media.

Strategic crime analysis is the study of crime and police information, which assists in problem-solving, as well as research and evaluation responses and procedures.

This type of crime analysis is used for identifying problems and potential approaches for dealing with them.

Tactical crime analysis is the study of reported crime, calls for service, and other related information in order to inform short-term operational crime control activities and problem-solving. Tactical crime analysis deals with immediate criminal offenses to promote quick response. Criminal intelligence analysts research and analyze data to detect and protect against crime.

They help local law enforcement agencies by identifying criminals or their networks as part of investigations.

Criminal intelligence analysts use many resources and copious data to identify patterns of criminal behavior to assist officers, detectives, and other professionals.

We have five basic steps in the crime analysis process:

-the collection

- categorization

- analysis

- dissemination

- evaluation of information.

We can say that the primary purpose of crime intelligence analysis is to support and assist the operations of a police department by criminal investigation, patrol activities, crime prevention, and resolving problems.

Intelligence in criminal investigation is very important because provides the knowledge on which are based decisions and then selects appropriate targets for investigation.

To classify crimes analysts will study crime reports, arrests reports, and police calls for service to identify emerging patterns, series, and trends as quickly as possible and then work with their police agencies to develop effective strategies for the solutions.

Criminal intelligence is particularly useful in cases of organized crime.

It enables to identify and understand of criminal groups who are operating in areas.

In any case, criminal intelligence analysts will use the intelligence cycle.

The intelligence cycle is a model that describes the process by which data and information can be meaningfully converted or developed into intelligence.

The Intelligence cycle is a process used by analysts to create intelligence. The process allows the intelligence analysts to identify the Information and develop an intelligence plan to collect the information which are required.

The stages of the intelligence cycle are collection, processing, analysis, and publication of intelligence.

But the most important step in the intelligence cycle is analysis.

Intelligence analysis is the process by which the information collected about an enemy is used to answer tactical questions about current operations or to predict future behavior.

The criminal intelligence analyst is on the front line in the fight against crime and terrorism.

By Sanela Nikolic, Police Officer, Crime Analyst

IPO Headquarters - Coordination Director

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