Digital Citizen and Digital Citizenship
By Ludmila Carabat

- With the evolution of technology and especially with recent times, we feel the need to give voice to these two concepts Digital Citizen and Digital Citizenship.
The technological change at the implementation level was in progress only that the passage method was very slow, with COVID-19 everything changed we made a leap of 10 years, arrived unexpectedly from the connected concept we passed to disconnected (disconnected from the physical that it is still ongoing and lays the solid foundations for the DIGITAL ERA that will bring about great social, economic and political changes that have occurred through the digitization process.
For this people have had to learn how to use the online company.
The digital citizen becomes the bearer of rights and duties and makes use of the digital administration services. The digital revolution gives an imprint on our way of communicating, informing, and working by changing every aspect of our lives and giving each of us a new passport that of a digital citizen.
Digital citizenship is an alternative to the concept of traditional citizenship with the use of new technologies.
With Digital Citizenship we mean the ability of an individual to participate in the digital society and carry out their requests through the IT and computer fees.
From this impact Digital Citizenship and together with the rights and duties that simplify the relationship between citizens, businesses, and public administration through digital technologies.
This is why the Digital Citizenship Charter was born, a law that aims to help the modernization process of the public administration by guaranteeing new rights to citizens that are defined through the Digital Administration Code (CAD) with
d.l. 7 March 2005, n. 82 and subsequently amended on August 22, 2016, n 179 and then with d.l 13 December 2017, n. 217 in order to make the rights of a digital citizen effective.
The principles are:
1. Reduction of physical access to public offices
2. Definition of minimum levels of performance
3. Definition of minimum requirements for public administration
4. Changes to the public connectivity system (SPC)
5. Creation of the digital home
6. Optimization of digitization spending
The CAD introduces the figure of the Digital Ombudsman to ensure compliance with the rules and principles established by the Digital Administrative Code.
The whole process underway will make the DIGITAL ERA easy but also regularizable
Criminology & Cyber Security Expert
Executive Board Counselor
Secretary General - IPO Section Italy

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