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On September 20, thanks to our partners, the Institute for National and International Security, who helped us logistically, with the provision of premises, control of internet connection and access, as well as conducting the conference as moderators, we realized the first IPO webinar.

The webinar was entitled: New trends in environmental safety, climate change and the impact of the pandemic on sustainable development and society. Their presentations were given by: Prof. Dr. Jasmina Madžgalj from the Secretariat for Environmental Protection Ma. Pekić Ivan President of the NGO IPO Montenegro (Chief of Communal Police Bar) Dr. Mareglen Tomori from Italy Dr. Siniša Pepić from the Republic of Srpska Darko Obradović Secretary General of the Institute for National and International Security Prof. Dr. Sebastijan Fuller from Apsley Business School London, ranked in the top 100 business academies of the EU Vesna Rudić Telekom Srbija Prof. Dr. Dusko Tomic Program Director American University of Security Dubai Prof. Dr. Eldar Saljic, Head of Master's Studies in Security at the American University of Dubai Dr.

The content of the presentation was very diverse and held the attention of a large number of followers through the zoom channel, which at one point was 107. The next step is to print an adequate collection of papers that will be a good basis for students to write scientific papers in this field. The publication of the collection is planned for the beginning of 2021 and will be adequately promoted. All registered webinar followers will receive an adequate certificate in the coming days, which is due to the fact that the webinar is recognized by the state of Serbia, more precisely the Institute for the Advancement of Education as a permanent means of education number 1350-4 / 2020 part of the documentation for collecting doctoral points studies or applies for employment.

On this occasion, we thank all the participants and companions, as well as Biljana Živković, our moderator and Kristina Karaić, advisor on this project. Special thanks to the Secretariat for Environmental Protection of the City of Belgrade, the Institute for the Advancement of Education for its support and trust as Professor Prodi Šećerov for quality advice.

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