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Today, January 16, 2021 at 14:00 local time of Brussels, the international group of

IPO Presidents, meets virtually through digital communication platform.

In this meeting participate only the Heads of IPO who have made the legal registration in their countries which are as follows:

Ilija Zivotic PhD, Founder and President Chief Officer of the first

IPO International Police Organization, registred in Serbia with registration No. 28254784

Dr. Tomori Mareglen, Founder and Executive President of IPO Headquarters,

International Police Organization IPO, registred in Italy with registration No.97882740158

Mr. Nebil Ben Khelifa, Founder and President of IPO Section France

registred in France with registration No. W921009512

Mr. Ivan Pekic, President of IPO Section Montenegro

registred in Montenegro with registration No. Reg.9581

Mr. Nikolay Keropov, Founder and President of IPO Section Bulgaria

registred in Bulgaria with registration No. 206350792

Which in this first international meeting unanimously decide explicitly as follow:

1- Establishment of the International High Executive Council

- Ilija Zivotic PhD, Founder and President Chief Officer of the first

IPO International Police Organization will be the eternal Honorary President,

Head of Presidents who will chair the High Executive Council. He can leave the IPO and from this council only with his wish, if he violates the statute or misuses the name of the IPO and this after a final legal decision is taken by the judicial bodies.

- Dr. Tomori Mareglen, Founder and Executive President of IPO Headquarters,

International Police Organization IPO, will be the Executive President and will execute the decisions taken by this council. He can leave the IPO and from this council only with his wish, if he violates the statute or misuses the name of the IPO and this after a final legal decision is taken by the judicial bodies.

- Mr.Nebil Ben Khelifa, founder and President of IPO Section France,

will be the Advisor of this council and Vice President of IPO HQ for Security and Coordination in Europe. He can leave the IPO and this council only of his own free will, if he violates the statute or abuses the name of the IPO and after this has been decided by the high executive council with a majority of votes.

- Mr. Ivan Pekic, President of IPO Section Montenegro

will be the Advisor of this council and Vice President of IPO HQ for coordination with the Balkan Countries. He can leave the IPO and this council only of his own free will, if he violates the statute or abuses the name of the IPO and after this has been decided by the high executive council with a majority of votes.

- Mr. Nikolay Keropov, Founder and President of IPO Section Bulgaria

will be the Advisor of this council and Vice President of IPO HQ for coordination

in Eastern Europe. He can leave the IPO and this council only of his own free will, if he violates the statute or abuses the name of the IPO and after this has been decided by the high executive council with a majority of votes.

-This council can be expanded according to the needs of the international development of IPO activities and it can include only the Leaders of the sections who will be formed and registered in their countries, and this after obtained the consent of the majority of members of this council.

-This council will meet whenever necessary to make decisions of international proportions, but not more than once a month.

-The decisions of this council will be taken after the vote by the majority of members.

2- Clarification on the manner, regulation and conditions for the establishment of IPO Sections around the world and their progress

-In countries where the IPO has not yet established sections, may be appointed one or more coordinators from among the IPO members in that country

-Any coordinator or member of IPO in a country who does not have an established section, may request to establish and develop an IPO section in his country by fulfilling the following conditions:

1- To be a member of the IPO for at least 6 months and to have shown commitment and interest for the expansion and development of IPO activities in the country where he lives

2- To have joined the IPO for 5 years as defined in the application form for candidates who want to have management or leaders positions in the IPO

3-To form its staff with not less than 3 persons who must be members of the IPO and have done the membership for 5 years as defined in the application form for candidates who want to have management or leaders positions in the IPO

4-To create the possibility of premises for the offices where the Headquarters of that Section will be located

5-To submit in writing to the IPO Headquarters his request with a detailed idea plan for the creation and development of the IPO Section in his country.

-After the request will be reviewed by the IPO Headquarters, it will pass to the

High Executive Council for the accreditation of the creation of the section and the preparation of legal documents from the IPO Law office that will accompany the registration of that section in the competent state bodies of his country adhering to the program, the objectives and statute of the IPO Headquarters and complying with the laws and norms of that country.

-For the progress, supervision and orientation on the creation and development of Sections, the High Executive Council delegates the responsibility to the IPO Headquarters which will be the only body for the execution and production of official documents as well as the orientation for the creation of E-mails, web pages and social networks of each section and will monitor and take care of their image.

-For all IPO sections which are in the process of registration, they will be supervised by the IPO Headquarters and will be given instructions on the integrity of the registration procedures in their country.

- For all other sections in which Section leaders or coordinators have been appointed, they will be subject to the initial procedures set out for the Establishment of Sections.

The High Executive Council will evaluate their previous work and will decide on the approval or not of the candidates to form and register the IPO Section in their country.

3-Establishment of the International Coordination Offices

The International Coordination Headquarters will be in Italy at the Headquarters of International Police Organization IPO

The Office of the Founder and Honorary President will be in Serbia at the Headquarters of first IPO International Police Organization

The Office of the Vice President for Security and Coordination in Europe will be in France at the Headquarters IPO Section France.

The Office of the Vice President for coordination with the Balkan countries will be in Montenegro at the Headquarters IPO Section Montenegro.

The Office of the Vice President for Coordination in Eastern Europe will be in Bulgaria at the Headquarters IPO Section Bulgaria.

This decision after been reviewed and approved, is signed by all members of this council and stamped by the Executive President and the Honorary President and enters into force immediately after its publication on the official website of the IPO Headquarters.

IPONews Room

Click to download the official document

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