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Decision on the suspension of the membership of Stevan Smijanovic.

At today's online session of the IPO Executive Board, the situation regarding the behavior of member Stevan Smijanovic in Montenegro was discussed.

It has been established that Stevan Smijanovi. did not abuse the membership documents that have a validity period until 03.2021.

However, due to the situation in which he brought to our NGO and due to damage to its reputation due to allegations related to the use of US documents at today's session,

it was decided unanimously to terminate his membership in the NGO

International Police Organization based on the IPO Membership Regulation which accurately defines that:

-The members sent for trial for the willful crime, or subjected to measures restricting personal freedom, are suspended from the status of Official Member until the defined decision from the law enforcement institutions.

This decision enters into force immediately after publication on the official IPO website.

IPO News Room

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