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IPO Section Italy Webinar

On Tuesday, June 29th, IPO Italy in collaboration with FORENSICS GROUP has organized a Webinar, Course on CRIME ANALYSIS AND MAPPING. The course was aimed at members of the IPO, CCIO, FORENSICS GROUP, and belonging to the law enforcement.

Numerous participants who followed the lecture given by Dr. Giuseppe Lodeserto,

IPO South Italy Representative and President of the Forensics Group.

The issue of security was addressed more than in relation to one's personal perception through a systemic analysis of the possible mapping of the crime. The systems of observation, reflection, and analysis were illustrated through a sequential reasoning activity in order to produce cognitive results and lead to a scientific rule.

Thanks also to the contribution of advanced technologies of representation and territorial analysis, the criminological study of the mapping of crime, or even of antisocial behaviors only, assumes increasing importance today, in order to better know the territory and prepare the best prevention actions may affect local administrators and law enforcement.

Crime mapping as an analysis tool capable of transferring and highlighting the geographical distribution and temporal frequency of crimes on digital maps.

Crime mapping as a predictive analysis that allows, at a probabilistic level, to know the trend of certain crimes in particular areas.

Crime mapping, an effective analysis tool to support decision-making in relation to strategies, prevention, and law enforcement policies.

This course soon will be available in English to give the possibility to the other members worldwide to follow it.

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