Get acquainted with the program and the goals of the IPO before applying for membership.
Updated: Mar 7, 2021

By: Dr. Tomori Mareglen
The way to join IPO is not very difficult, it takes a little willpower, desire, and to understand the reason for which the IPO was created, but it is much more difficult to correctly implement the tasks and obligations that you take on the moment you join IPO.
You should first understand that IPO is not a shop that sells badges, certificates and police documents or an association where anyone can join and do whatever they want.
IPO is a professional organization which was established to be useful in the community by cooperating with state institutions and respecting the mutual rights and obligations arising from any agreement or cooperation.
Anyone who does not respect the regulation and the statute of IPO as well as the laws of the state in which he lives, will face the consequences defined in the Statute of IPO as well as the laws of the her State.
We are here to serve the community and not to take advantage of the name, the image and the seriousness of the IPO.
In this year we have been forced to take decisions to expel some members from the IPO for various reasons and, to avoid any misunderstanding for new members who are joining every day in the IPO, I am reflecting you our program so that anyone who joins our organization, get to know him first.
The International Police Organization IPO is a professional non-profit and
non-governmental organization with National and International membership that
does not pursue for-profit economic goals, cooperates with National and International
State Institutions to achieve its objectives and goals but is independent of public administration, state institutions, political or religious, whether these be native or foreign.
The establishment, creation of this Organization is based on the ratified National and International legislation to support, assist and advise law enforcement institutions and citizens through various Training and Projects to be closer to the community.
The vision is to build a society without threats of crime and aims to work closely with law enforcement agencies to provide technical and professional assistance in the prevention of criminal offenses, the study, investigation, and investigation of perpetrators, tracing, apprehending, documenting criminal activity and bringing suspects to justice, as well as developing and implementing strategies and action plans for the prevention and combating of general and organized crime through co-operation with
National & International Organizations for the implementation of programs and different projects about this field.
PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES The purpose of the International Police Organization is to develop and manage a range of programs designed to identify, secure, analyze and evaluate data on potential risks to life, material goods and the environment in general, as well as the permanent provision of information data on the likelihood of emergency of risks, and possible criminal activities.
Prevention as the first phase of the security cycle focuses on the study, research, and identification of criminality and perpetrators, the creation of a safe community environment, coordinating activities with State Institutions, relevant National and International Law Enforcement Organizations, and with citizens, in particular, as well as enhancing evidence for the prevention of criminal offenses through professional development and empowerment, modernization, intensive cooperation, and engagement, primarily with the community and other partners.
The IPO has as its primary objective, the civic and institutional motivation for law enforcement in a professional, effective, and efficient manner, as well as capacity building in the fight against crime, and negative phenomena in cooperation with relevant institutions for the prevention of general and organized crime, piracy, terrorism, and others illicit trafficking of all kinds by supporting, assisting, advising and the justice and citizens through various training, programs, and projects to be closer to the community.
The IPO places particular emphasis on capacity building through training of civil servants as well as police and judicial officials, equipment upgrades, and enhanced cooperation between local law enforcement agencies and international cooperation on the exchange of expertise and strategies in the field.
The study and prevention of general and organized crime, major crimes, and terrorism include a number of specific objectives, as follows: 1- Inter-Institutional and International Co-operation and Coordination 2- Study and prevention of organized crime, narcotics trafficking, human trafficking, migrant smuggling, gun smuggling, and Cybercrime 3- Studying and preventing radicalism and violent extremism, conducting proactive and reactive research. 4- Study and prevention of economic, financial, and corruption crimes 5- Increasingefficiency and quality in the investigative work of Police and judicial investigators through the provision of vocational training courses and programs.
Strategic Objectives: The IPO has as its Strategic Objective, cooperation with private and public entities, universities, schools and national and international professional institutes for the organization and development of vocational training program packages, courses, training, conventions, and seminars in the field of education, training, and professionalization in the field that this Organization operates with the aim of:
- Creation and consolidation of civil society skills in public communication and civic education, encouraging citizens to social activities, their involvement, and participation in the development of the community as a whole as a major factor in reducing crime.
-To provide the general community with programs, courses, and training for a particular profession focusing on the application of theoretical and practical skills and knowledge.
-To provide institutional training enabling the development of professional knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for effective performance within a profession by enabling participants to acquire additional knowledge, skills, and abilities to perform and develop effective work aimed at increasing their employment prospects or maintaining their current employment.
-To provide the opportunity, in cooperation with the State Institutions and the private sector, for the inclusion of the unemployed and job seekers in vocational training through combined training enabling the attendance of network and practical courses.
Objectives of particular importance: The IPO pays great attention to youth with the objective of particular importance being active participation of youth in social processes, creating opportunities and supporting youth employment, educating and preventing harmful phenomena for youth, raising their awareness of negative phenomena, identifying passive youth and involving as many youths as possible in activities against bad phenomena.
Initiating and encouraging the activation of young people on issues of common national and international interest in the capacity of the Advisory Institution on issues and situations related to youth, advancement, and protection of activities for the benefit of young people youth infrastructure, organizing and managing campaigns and activities to prevent the use of narcotics, alcohol, and tobacco, activating and organizing youth in social life such as sports, arts, culture, health, economics, etc., as well as the restoration of professions free for career building and tolerance between them.
Increase the level of youth involvement in social, social, and cultural life, their development and integration in professional and economic life, through volunteering, recreation, organization, performance, and realization of various activities and create the opportunity to establish and manage multifunctional Youth Centers for Youth. Analytical approach to data, the definition of problems, objectives, measures to be taken as well as recommendation for prevention and resolution of problems In line with IPO programs and objectives, based on cross-sectoral and specific policies, where the main goals and high priority are: - YOUTH PARTICIPATION Increasing Youth Participation in decision-making processes and increasing youth involvement in sectoral policy-making that directly impacts youth. - SPORTS, CULTURE, AND RECREATION Integration of young people in society, social, economic and cultural life through various cultural, artistic, and sports activities, etc. - NON-FORMAL EDUCATION Young people educated and prepared to face all the challenges of life as responsible members of the local and European communities. - EMPLOYMENT AND ENTERPRISE Promoting employment through Programs, vocational training, and youth support. - HEALTH, EDUCATION AND HEALTH PROMOTION Young people, aware of the importance of maintaining health for the individual and social well-being, as well as their contribution as a responsible citizen of the country. - HUMAN SECURITY Young people prepared to identify, prevent and address in a timely and effective manner the risk posed to young people.
The International Police Organization IPO is formed with the aim of increasing knowledge of security among citizens with different types of education. We will try to solve security problems and adequately represent them to public and security officials by exchanging experiences and ideas. We will strive to share the experience of policemen, agents, and others with citizens,
with the use of lessons, seminars, and other forms of education.
The IPO will have the role of giving full support to the country’s security officials in every nation that has pressing IPO officials. In case of any emergency situation, the organization will urgently call on its members to assist the officials of an authorized country in an area where the emergency occurs.
Unlike other organizations with a similar name, where civilians can only be honorary or sympathizer members, the IPO is an organization in which civilians are the main members.
Our leaders are security experts, former and current members of law enforcement agencies, police, army, and security services, they are here to share their knowledge and skills with ordinary citizens so they know how to act in emergency situations.
Our motto “Strong IPO for better world” will become synonymous with every member
To contribute together, for a safer community, for a safer tomorrow.
Dr. Tomori Mareglen
Criminologist & Crime Analyst
IPO Section Leader Italy and
Executive President
International Police Organization IPO
