Security of the 21st Century
A panel discussion on "Security of the 21st Century" was held in the amphitheater of the University Center in Berane, organized by the Public Institution "Home of Students and Students" in cooperation with "International police organization" Montenegro.

Master of Security and President of IPO Montenegro Executive Board Ivan Pekovic, Faculty of Civil Security and IPO Montenegro Executive Board member Bojana Buntic and Secretary General of IPO Montenegro Emil Imširovic presented their speeches. The compliment announcement of the lecturer was organized by IPO Montenegro President Zarko Jankovic and Sports Coordinator Masan Andelic, who thanked in particular for their hospitality and cooperation with the University Center Director, Onur Babaic. The forum was opened by Director Onur Babić, who thanked the guests and the lecturers.
"I would like to say that this is just one of a number of organizations that we organize in the Public Institution" Student and Student House ", where in the future we will periodically carry out such and similar activities, this for a reason, because I believe that it is very important for the educational work, and by that I mean we must make one constant in such activities. In the end, I would like to wish the lecturers successful work, with the expectation that today's lecture will be constructive and meaningful, and I am convinced of the purpose and the outcome, ”said Babaić.

On behalf of the organization, guest speaker Zarko Jankovic thanked the director for making space and for all those who came, presented the lecturers, and in gratitude to the director of the University Center a gift was presented, after which the presentation of Bojana Buntić - Faculty of Civil Security would begin.
She explained to the attendees the active security, border security, control of travel documents as well as the importance of the competent authorities. IPO Montenegro Secretary General Emil Imširovic presented his project "Abuse of Children on the Internet", in which he talked about cybercrime, hacking, applications and social networks. "We are all aware that in the last half year we have had all sorts of events on social networks. The most common forms of abuse on social networks are trafficking, theft, fornication, suggestion, peer violence. Of all this, the most prevalent in the territory of Montenegro is suggestion and peer violence. Stitist data shows 91 percent of children between the ages of 9 and 17 use the internet, they all think that they know the internet better than their parents. We don't know, it has the Internet and its dark side, ”Imsirovic said.

He pointed out that all mobile phone users should turn off their location, because of the abuse , and that every user read the service information when downloading an application from the Internet. He stated that the most common abuses of user privacy are on Snapchat and Whatsapp, as these applications are the most used in Montenegro. Basically every user is obliged to read all the information related to the mentioned applications and social networks in order not to get into trouble, he stated in his presentation.
In the continuation of the program, Zarko Jankovic announced another panel to be presented by lawyer Mirjana Pajkovic on topics related to psychoactive substances and their poor performance, bad influence of games of chance, as well as protection of minors. Ivan Pekic closed his panel with his presentation. His presentation was based on terrorism and the financing of contemporary terrorism, cyber terrorism. He explained the history of terrorism, from when they originated to the present, what types of terrorists exist, who finances them, how states influence funding, racketeering and other terrorist-related activities.
"Osama bin Laden made the biggest money by selling wholesale honey. Mostly a large number of experts on terrorism say that some terrorists are from impoverished families and did not have the means of subsistence, Osama bin Laden had € 890 million when he was killed, ”Pekic said in his presentation. Pekic explained in more detail the character of contemporary terrorist, psychological and political training of terrorists, as well as bioterrorism.