Online Training Course
Military Intelligence & Terrorism
Short online course on Military Intelligence and Terrorism.
In this course, you will learn about the phenomenon of terrorism and terrorist techniques.
The financing of terrorism and the methodology of its development in the world, as well as the
importance of the member states of NATO and the UN, will be an integral part of this course.
Module 1
Megaterrorism: A new challenge for a new century
NBC Weapons
Pshycological & echological megaterrorism
Management & Response
Module 2
Internatıonal Law & Terrorısm
What is terrorism?
Terrorist acts amount to a separate international crime when;
International Treaties
Regional Instruments
Turkısh Perspectıve
ISO: National Legal Framework
Law Enforcement Organizations
Status of the Turkish Armed Forces
Martial Law Practice
State of Emergency Practice
Module 3
Financing Of Terrorism
Definition of Terrorist Financing
The Terrorist Requirement For Funds
Raising Terrorist Funds
Moving Terrorist Funds
International Instruments for Combating Terrorist Financing
Cooperation and Intelligence Cycle
Module 4
Terrorist Tactics And Their Destructions
Hostage – Taking
Suicide Attacks
International Law Aspectsof Countering Terrorism
Human Rights, Terrorism and Counter-terrorism
International treaties against terrorism and the use of terrorism
during armed conflictand by armed forces
Online Training Course
Military Intelligence & Terrorism
Directed by:
Dr. Tomori Mareglen
Criminologist / Crime Analyst
Expert Consultant in Forensic Sciences,
Investigative Criminology & Intelligence
Secretary General of Counter Crime Intelligence Organization CCIO
Section Leader Italy & General Director of Coordination
International Police Organization IPO
Introduced by:
Mr. Ilija Zivotiv MSc
Expert of Security, Investigation & Intelligence
Counter Terrorism Expert Manager
President Chief Officer of International Police Organization IPO
Section Leader Serbia & Advisory Board Director
of Counter Crime Intelligence Organization CCIO
Certified Course in collaboration with: International Police Organization IPO,
Counter Crime Intelligence Organization CCIO, International Prevention Center CSI and,
Promoted by: International Training Center ITC
After we receive your payment we will send you material for study. 7 days later we will send you 20 questions to answer. You need 16 correct answers to pass the exam and receive your certificate at email.
All materials for studying are property of International Police Organization and any sharing, publishing with out IPO written permission is prohibited and copyright by International Police Organization
If you are a member of IPO or CCIO, make the contribution indicated for IPO or CCIO Members
by entering your name and the name of the course you want to attend.
If you are not a member of IPO or CCIO you must pay the contribution indicated for IPO or CCIO
Non-Members by entering your name and the name of the course you want to attend.
Once you have taken these steps please send to centertrainingitc@gmail.com a copy of the
payment and your Identification Document or ID Card of IPO or CCIO,
we will send you the study modules in the email once we have received your confirmation.
The Online Short Course "Military Intelligence & Terrorism"
For all IPO or CCIO members who want to take this course, there will be a contribution fee of 30 euros.
For the public, IPO or CCIO non-members, there will be a contribution fee of 40 euros.
You must make a contribution to https://www.paypal.me/InterPoliceOrg and send us a copy
of your payment to: centertrainingitc@gmail.com