New Projects for Kids Safety
During Multikongres events at Radison Old Mill Belgrade entitled Serbian Visions, International Police Organization partners presented projects aimed at increasing the safety of children. President IPO Mr. Ilija Životić MSc makes a brief overview of the trainings that were made in the year 2018 as well as excellent results. In Serbia practical courses were attended by 307 people and 175 people online courses. These figures are important because it is about people who have not any training in the sphere of security. The President then gave the word to associates and partners to showcase projects that will carry in 2019, and all of them will be controlled by the IPO.
The opportunity to speak to representatives of the state administration and citizens first got president of the Center for Security DBA Stevan Djokic. Mr. Djokic as the perennial security expert proposed the formation of auxiliary police force composed of school pupils' parents. This type of school patrol only exists in one town in Serbia, Vrbas. Proposal from Center dba is to use as a model of Hungarian Auxiliary Police Polgaroseg and Auxiliary Police or New York. These two formations have contributed to the rate of street crime which children are most often at risk to a minimum in their communities.
Predrag Nikolic founder of Kuguar Security whose company provides a large number of primary schools and pre-schools met the guests with problems that their employees perceive every day among students. These are primarily physical violence or violence through the Internet and social networks. In recent months increased trend of abuse via Viber groups. Exposure modes of endangering the safety of students prepared by Kuguar Security is very important because members of the company's daily among students and can register various forms of inappropriate behavior and propose models to combat violence in schools as Mr. Predrag Nikolic and did as part of his presentation.
Nemanja Ivancic, a specialist in the fight against sects and abuse of religion made the startling information about the online radicalization and recruitment of children for the purposes of sects and false religious community aimed purely for material gain or looting of young people.
Petar Spolaric expert and Leader of Section 2 Anti Drugs informed the participants about the tendency of endangering children by sellers of drugs. He showed methods of delivery of drugs in the schools and explained the impact of new types of psychoactive substances that have appeared on the drug market. Vulnerability youngest category requires an immediate response and a careful approach to the issue. Petar's program for solving this problem attracted much attention and we had very good reaction from citizens and members of government.