Updated: Mar 10, 2023

Dear members, partners, friends, and sympathizers of IPO, we have the pleasure to inform you that IPO HQ has set the date for the 2nd international congress of IPO.
The 2nd International IPO Congress will be hosted by the IPO Section Italy and will take place in Milan, Italy on June 23 to 24 of this year where will participate all the IPO Sections Leaders and members worldwide.
The Congress is a serious and very necessary innovation to bring together all the section leaders to get to know each other, to exchange ideas and experiences as well to get acquainted with the program and the guideline of IPO for the coming years.
On Friday, June 23, will take place the plenary session which is reserved for the leaders and delegates of the sections, on Saturday, June 24 will take place the general congressional activity, where will take part IPO members from all over the world, IPO friends, and special guests.
The staff of IPO Italy and the partners involved in this event will try to do their best to please you as much as possible, also they are negotiating with a few hotels to get the best prices for the accommodation of the participants. In the following days, we will inform you about other details regarding the reservation of participation in the congress and hotel reservations.
For any questions and ambiguities you may have, do not hesitate to contact us at
For all those who are not yet members of IPO and wish to join us, can apply for membership by following the link below and completing the online application form in one of the relevant categories
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