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Crime prevention

Prevention as the first phase of the security cycle focuses on the study, research and identification of crime and of those responsible, the creation of a safe community environment, the coordination of activities with state institutions, private organizations (non-profit NGOs) ) and with citizens in particular.

By Dr. Tomori Mareglen Criminologist

What is a crime prevention?

Crime prevention is the task of a modern society to prevent crime at an early stage or before its creation. Crime prevention from all public and private spaces is an effort to prevent crime. All public and private efforts as a whole, with programs and preventive measures that treat crime as a social phenomenon or an individual event, aim to reduce or lessen the consequences.

Negative consequences include mental, physical or material consequences,

as well as fear of crime and in particular fear of being a victim.

The aim of crime prevention is to maintain sustainable security in society

The three levels of crime prevention if they try to systematize crime prevention, they should divide it in three ways, primary, secondary and tertiary.

Primary crime prevention should go to the "root" and ideally explain the "depth" of

the causes of criminal behavior.

Secondary prevention aims to: - prevent the commission of a crime (based on the crime) for people currently at risk or ready to act, by changing the structure of the possibility of action or through active support based on the conduct standards of the offender adapted to prevent the commission of a crime. Based on the victims, secondary prevention should significantly reduce the number of potential victims.

Tertiary prevention - aims to prevent convicted crimes from committing another legally prohibited offense. Here it is a question of the appropriate punishment, treatment and rehabilitation of the authors.

Primary prevention (Crime is being fought "at its roots")

Target group: general society rate clarification.

The generally accepted specifications, the applicable rules of the company are mainly formed by education and reference groups (peer groups).

The clarification of the standard also responds quickly and to the maximum degree of deviant behavior. All laws, rules and agreements are the basis for peaceful and successful coexistence. With constant attention and in accordance with these standards, as well as constant observance in sanctioning the lack of respect by "border members" who are authentic in their actions, making orientation and social behavior appropriate.

Intervention in the field of social structures: elimination of problematic factors, education, standard setting, leisure activities and work, integration of foreigners and minorities.

Overall positive prevention (stabilization of the legal awareness of the population).

Primary prevention in the field of "youth and violence" is not just police and law enforcement work. Other authorities responsible for these are, for example, the educational and social departments of the Regions as well as improving the evidence for the prevention of criminal offenses through professional development and empowerment, modernization, intensive cooperation and commitment, mainly with the communities and other partners. Police and law enforcement agencies are interested in working closely with these authorities and private organizations.

Secondary prevention (Crime is being fought "on the surface")

Target group:

1. People, such as cases with potential problems or currently known as problematic cases;

2. Modification of the intervention structure on the case (technical prevention);

3. Increased risk of resolution of the crime / overcoming the crime;

4. Increased risk of bankruptcy, integration of crime-prone people or groups and victim immunization (neighborhood). Overall negative prevention (prevention of potential offenders). Secondary prevention in the field of "youth and violence" is indeed a difficult task for the police and law enforcement agencies, which cooperates closely with other authorities and private organizations to this end.

Tertiary prevention

Target group: people who are already offenders.

Particularly positive and negative prevention

Avoidance: avoidance (literally "indirect") is in the criminal context a means of criminal action, when the offender of a first or minor offense or a secondary offense, in initiating criminal proceedings and the commission of the act from detained by the prosecution.

This generally requires educational measures such as, for example, withdrawal for work for general benefit. The aim of avoidance is to promote the offender's rehabilitation and alleviate the courts of minor offenses. In particular, the juvenile justice system should find ways to abstain completely from prosecution or to close the procedure, possibly in relation to an educational measure.

Compensation - transgressor - victim


- Trial Service (Probation Service)

- Treatment application

-Custody service

The third prevention / high prevention in the field of "youth and violence" is largely the responsibility of justice and its institutions. Police and law enforcement agencies are interested in working closely with these state authorities and other private organizations (non-profit NGOs) to reduce crime and offer a new opportunity to those who commits crimes of minor offenses.

To contribute together,

for a safer community, for a safer tomorrow.

Dr.Tomori Mareglen


Expert Consultant in Forensic Sciences,

Investigative Criminology and Intelligence

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