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I-Dosing,the digital drug of the new Age

The digital drug that has already marked the twenty-first century could only be manufactured and distributed via the Internet.

Today's children are "high" using headphones! Certain MP3s available for downloading online are supposed to create a state of ecstasy. The new practice is called i-Dosing and requires a pair of headphones and something that plays music. Proponents of i-Dosing say that the trance is created by the "binaural beat effect" The binaural can be interpreted as an amphibious or inter-aural tone.

"Amphiotic tone signal, amphiprotic sound signal. Other interpretations of binaural: interacoustic, diotic, diotic (Georgousis Panagiotis N. English-Greek Dictionary of Pedagogical and Psychological Terms, Athens, Delphi Publications, 2005, p. 35)."

The effect is created by two slightly different auditory signals heard separately by the left and right ear.

If you listen to a 200Hz sound in one ear and a 190Hz sound in the other you will hear a 10Hz binaural beat (200 - 190 = 10). If you hear two different frequencies in each ear, you will hear the difference between the two as a binaural beat.

With a digital drug, which is legal because it has nothing to do with substances and is considered completely "safe" and non-addictive, you can release endorphins, your body's so-called "happy pill", and boost your mood.

Your brain naturally creates and releases endorphins, encephalins, endogenous opiates and serotonin your mood goes up, pains disappear, fears and worries too. You feel that your sensitivity increases. Suddenly everything is brighter and more beautiful. You feel like a great director and you see life through a very special lens.

A digital drug

A drug that can be taken without pills, without injections, without inhaling is said to be a hit with teenagers and is giving any sane person a "headache", since the new drug is electronic. Users find it on websites, drug dealers download it to their computer, and with a special program available for free on the internet, they can decompress it to listen to it and get high since the sound waves act as a drug and hit the brain.

And of course, they burn it.

Experts explain that these are specific waves with a frequency of 3 to 30 Hertz (the so-called subsonic waves) that affect the brain's functioning, causing various reactions. For example, alpha waves (ranging from 7 to 13 Hertz) have a relaxing effect, but there are others that cause overstimulation and euphoria.

The authorities have identified such websites where interested parties can "get their fix". There is even a website providing instructions on how to use the new drug for beginners and selling CDs of "dosage" songs. As in many cases with common drugs, the first few low doses are provided free of charge, with the aim of attracting new customers. But even the most powerful 'doses' are offered at very low prices (around €5 per song), despite the fact that they can be reused countless times.

At the same time, on YouTube, one can find many videos on the subject and see young people delirious with euphoria as they try the drug of the digital age.

The use of subsonic waves is nothing new, but in our country, the alarm has been sounded since the beginning of the year as complaints from parents who report that their children show uncontrollable behavior after hours of surfing are increasing.

Police officers are advising parents to check what websites their children are accessing, while experts are increasingly researching the extent and impact of this new addiction. It is worth noting that the use of subsonic waves is nothing new for the police authorities, who abroad use them as a means of repression, for example in discotheques, to calm the youth. They have also been used in the past on military premises. However, the health risks associated with the use of cyber-drugs have not yet been established. Experts have begun research on the magnitude and effects of addiction.

Recently, Italian researchers studied and calculated the cumulative effect of sound and ecstasy on the brains of test subjects. "We gave mice a small dose of ecstasy incapable of producing the slightest neurological effect and then gave the same mice a "dose" of 95 decibels of sound, the maximum allowed in discotheques. We immediately found an enhancement of the effect of ecstasy.

Not only that, when we increased the initial dose of ecstasy, the subsequent dose of sound caused an enhancement of the effect that lasted for five full days," explained Michelangelo Iannone, a researcher from the Institute of Neurological Sciences of the National Research Council of Catanzaro. "This explains why certain types of drugs, such as ecstasy for example, are consumed in particularly large quantities on occasions such as raves, where obviously music enhances their effect."

Digital Drug because it considers itself to be an open transparent organization gives below the frequencies it uses in the production of the Digital Drug CD:

❖ 0.5 - 1.5 Hz - Endorphin release.

❖ 0.9 Hz - Feeling of euphoria.

❖ 2.5 Hz - Production of endogenous opiates, reduces pain and anxiety.

❖ 4.0 Hz - Production of enkephalins for reduced stress.

❖ 10 Hz - Increased Serotonin release. Mood enhancer, stimulant tonic.

❖ 14 Hz - Sense of activation, focus on goals.

❖ 20.215 Hz - Creates safe LSD-25 placebo effects

❖ 30 Hz - Produces safe effects of marijuana placebo

❖ 33 Hz - Hypersensitivity, C. Consciousness

❖ 38 Hz - Endorphin release.

❖ 46.98 Hz - Visualized effects when used with 62.64 & 70.47 Hz

❖ Carriers: 90 - 110 Hz - Increase beta-endorphin, causes pleasure.

❖ 111 Hz - Continuous beta-endorphin secretion.

❖ Special effects

❖ Light panning phaser effect on the 10 Hz chord

By Magdalini M.O Athanasiou

Official Member of IPO Section Greece

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