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The International Police Organization hands over the membership to its new members from Egypt, Saudi Arabia, France, Senegal, and Morocco who live and work in Dubai, thus laying the foundation for the establishment of the IPO Section UAE in the United Arab Emirates, with Headquarters in Dubai where its members were handed the memberships in an official ceremony yesterday

Following the continuous expansion of the organization in spreading security awareness and supporting the relationship between the Police and communities in the context of changes in society globally,

The International Police Organization IPO under the direction of the

Executive President - CEO Dr. Tomori Mareglen and the maximum support of the

IPO founder of and lifelong Honorary President, Ass. Prof. Ilija Zivotic Ph.D

has disseminated these awareness programs in support of the Arab community through its representative, the International Professional Coordinator in Europe and the Middle East, Mr. AJ. (Hany El Zahar) wich is too the Leader of IPO Section Belgium and the representative office for the European Union in Brusells.

One of the goals of the organization is to develop and activate police relations with the public through scientific plans and programs that limit this relationship, which aims to achieve security and stability to protect the security of the country and citizens in all countries.

The programs will be developed through the strong cooperation of IVPB-International Vip Bodyguard which consists in Security and protection as well as physical activities, with CCIO - Counter Crime Intelligence Organization which consists in the study and orientation for the prevention of crime and illegal activities and, with IPO which is the main bridge connecting the community, professionals and law enforcement.

Together for better IVIPB - CCIO - IPO

IPO News Room

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