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Yesterday August 29, IPO Executive President Dr. Tomori Mareglen held an official meeting in Tirana, with the director of the Center for the Prevention of Juvenile and Youth Crimes (QPKMR) Ms. Klaudia Hasanllari where was signed a bilateral cooperation agreement.

The meeting took place on the premises of the Albanian Ministry of Justice in Tirana where, according to the protocol, many important leaders in this cooperation also participated in this meeting such as; the Deputy General Director of Prisons Ms. Klotilda Kareçi, the Advisor to the Minister of Justice Ms. Enkeleda Pano, the head of the Finance and Support Services Sector Ms. Erjola Salillari, the Head of the Department of Supervision, Administration of the Electronic System and Statistics Ms. Brezeida Manofi, the commanding officer of the Sector for Drafting Rehabilitation Plans and Development of Specialization Programs - Ms. Anda Hysi.

Also in the meeting were present the specialists of this center (QPKMR), as well as the Coordinator of the IPO Section Albania for School Security Officers Ms. Josiba Osmani

The Juvenile and Youth Crime Prevention Center (QPKMR) is a public legal entity, subordinate to the Ministry of Justice, in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Criminal Justice for Juveniles, whose main mission is to carry out rehabilitation activities and reintegration through the supervision and protection of minors/youth after serving the sentence and the vision to prevent criminality among minors and youth by promoting positive development through the implementation of rehabilitation and reintegration programs, with the motto - Prevention, Rehabilitation, Reintegration!

The agreement was concluded for the implementation of training approaches and techniques for the implementation of friendly justice for minors and young people in conflict with the law.

The agreement includes several points with the main topics and issues as follows:

-Raising the level of involvement of young people in society, in social and cultural life, their development and integration in professional and economic life through civil, social, and professional education and re-education programs as a means of preventing crime and recidivism by implementing activities and programmed friendly and restorative justice initiatives for juveniles and youth in contact with the law and for its implementation focusing on their specific needs and circumstances to implement the functioning of a system different from the adult justice system.

- Recidivism Prevention and Social Reintegration of Offenders, aiming to develop appropriate programs that respond to community concerns, build on community strengths and allow a community to manage the risks to which it may be exposed .

- The role of the IPO is important as cooperation with citizens and their education on managing critical and emergency situations will create a bridge between law enforcement and civilians by creating access to data on the communities in which offenders live or are plan to return, including their capacity to provide services and supervision.

- Special importance will be given to the phenomenon of the involvement of minors in organized crime, the creation of programs to support and prevent recidivism precisely in these cases, as we have concluded from experience that the majority of minors with repeated offenses are influenced or used by gangs or groups of adults.

- Will collaborate with other Institutions to evaluate together on social reintegration programs, assessing the importance of; The Police, Prison Administrations, Probation Agencies, other Government Entities such as the Ministry of Education, mainly School Safety Officers and Community Based Organizations all have important roles in jointly addressing some of the challenges associated with development, management and evaluation of social reintegration programs.

- Effective cooperation between these agencies, a shared vision and responsibility for the

prevention of recidivism are essential to enable a comprehensive strategy in the social field in such a way that reintegration is successful and results in tangible benefits for the safety of the community and the future of minors and young people.

- Creation of a service delivery model for "full care", from prison to community as well as

service delivery through integrated partnerships.

- In this direction, we will work to make practically stronger "QPKMR" to develop practice which will bring them strength as a single agency to take the leading role in the partnership and be responsible for coordinating the intervention in the process of rehabilitation and reintegration of minors and young people in conflict with the law, according to the legislation in force.

With a focus on the prevention of criminality as well as its treatment, we will extend the focus of work to minors and young people, the object of the work of the QPKMR.

the two leaders signed the agreement with several joint programs where the immediate work would start such as:

📌 Preparation of special rehabilitation plans for minors and young people who have committed criminal offenses under the influence of organized crime.

📌The treatment of young people aged 18-21, who are at the end of their sentences in all "Institutions for the Execution of Criminal Decisions" (prison) in the country, the object of the work of the QPKMR.

📌Awareness of all educational institutions in the country on the importance of the reintegration of ex-convicts and the implementation of the Code of Criminal Justice for Minors.

📌Joint training with the state police and prison police as the first contact of minors in conflict with the law.

📌 Training modules for the staff of QPKMR which have been prepared by the IPO Education and Crime Prevention Department and the IPO LED-Department of Law Enforcement under the direction of the General Director Mrs. Sanela Nikolic, Police Officer and Crime Analyst that, in the quality of the IPO Coordination Director will be coordinated with other international experts, members of the IPO to achieve all the goals.

Such an agreement aims to help the various partners and other actors in

developing a common vision of what needs to be achieved as well as a common

language in which they can better communicate with each other about the process

and the objectives of the programs.

IPO News Room

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