IPO represented at the 10th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime
President of the International Police Organization IPO Mr Ilija Zivotic and his senior advisor Dr Sinisa Pepic participated at the 10th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime. Conference took place from 12 to 16 October in a hybrid/in-person format due to COVID-19. IPO representatives were in Vienna and used this opportunity to address the issues of transnational organized crime at the plenary session.
President Zivotic stated: "The strengths and key points of the fight against transnational organized criminal groups is in the global response through unreserved cooperation and mutual support of all security agencies in the world, with a special emphasis on the exchange of criminal intelligence data and information.”

He also emphasized the need for stronger bonding between NGO’s dealing with the security and crime prevention issues promoting the private public partnership making our world safer place for living.
Senior advisor Pepic addressed that It is very likely that during the COVID19 crisis some foreign direct investments could pass under the radar, which in background would have funds that originate from the organized crime such as drug trafficking or which could be used to finance terrorism.
Zivotic and Pepic had several meetings with the diplomats of several UN Member States and UN Agencies promoting public private partnership in the field of crime prevention.
