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Updated: Oct 24, 2021

Last year the IPO participated in the UNODC Commission on Narcotic Drugs CND and was represented by the founding President of IPO Ass. Prof. Ilija Zivotic Ph.D.

who took the first steps towards opening a large gateway to the United Nations.

This year, October 21, the IPO participated again in the UNODC CND and was represented by the Executive President, Criminologist Dr. Tomori Mareglen and the Coordination Director Mrs. Sanela Nikolic after the Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs (VNGOC) nominated Dr. Tomori as one of the civil society speakers for October 21st, for the thematic section discussing that "the criminal misuse of information and communications technologies for illicit drug-related activities is increasing".

The material prepared by Dr. Tomori with the title "Smart cities and digital surveillance" was presented by Ms. Nikolic in English professional diplomatic language which was welcomed by all participants.

The joint work of the wonderful IPO leading team was welcomed and thanked by the UN Commission and the UNODC Secretariat which in an official email said: Excellencies, distinguished panelists, and experts, we would like to express our appreciation for your participation in the 2021 Thematic Discussions of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs that were held from 19-21 October 2021.

Over the three days, over 600 participants were registered from almost all corners of the world to discuss how challenges identified in the 2019 Ministerial Declaration can be jointly addressed.

Your valuable contributions were key in making the 2021 Thematic Discussions a success.

We hope to welcome you soon again to one of the Commission’s meetings.

With many thanks and kind regards from Vienna,

Jo Dedeyne-Amann, Secretary of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs

Our tireless work will continue every day and more to become as efficient as possible for the construction, development, and transformation of IPO in an organization which will be an example for civil society.

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