Updated: Sep 25, 2023

During this week from March 13 to 17, the 66th session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) took place at the UN Office in Vienna, where the IPO Delegation organized and led by IPO Headquarters under the direction of the IPO Founder and Honorary President Ass.Prof.Dr. Ilija Zivotic and the IPO Executive President - CEO Dr. Mareglen Tomori.
IPO was represented in this important event by IPO Headquarters Leadership together with leaders and representatives of several IPO Sections such as Mr. Imet Cafleshi, President of IPO Section Switzerland, Mr. Ivan Pekic, President of IPO Section Montenegro, Mr. Daniel Prastalo, Representative of IPO Section Slovenia, Mr. Alberto Arnaud, Representative of IPO Section Italy, Mr. Djordje Bajcev, Representative of IPO Section Serbia and Mr. Gentian Guni, Representative (online format) of IPO Section Albania.
The Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) was established by Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) resolution 9(I) in 1946, to assist the ECOSOC in supervising the application of the international drug control treaties. In 1991, the General Assembly (GA) expanded the mandate of the CND to function as the governing body of UNODC. The CND's agenda has two distinct segments: a normative segment for discharging treaty-based and normative functions; and an operational segment for exercising the role as the governing body of UNODC.
The CND meets annually and adopts a range of decisions and resolutions. Intersessional meetings are regularly convened to provide policy guidance to UNODC. Towards the end of each year, the Commission meets at a reconvened session to consider budgetary and administrative matters as the governing body of the United Nations drug program.
In 2019, the Commission adopted the Ministerial Declaration on strengthening actions at the national, regional, and international levels to accelerate the implementation of joint commitments made to jointly address and counter the world drug problem.
In the Declaration, Member States resolved to review in the Commission in 2029 the progress made in implementing the policy commitments, with a mid-term review in 2024. The Commission works on the follow-up to the 2019 Ministerial Declaration, with a view to accelerating the implementation of all international drug policy commitments.
IPO has been participating in the seasons of CND for 4 years in a row, but this year it became officially part of the consultancy season since last year IPO was accredited by the United Nations with Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council ECOSOC thanks to the hard work of the IPO HQ leadership who for several years have represented the IPO at CND and other important conferences of United Nations.

As above, the representatives and delegates of the IPO state:
- Certainly, the biggest impression of the 66th Conference on Narcotics Drugs is that the United Nations approved that 10 representatives of the IPO participate in the work of the conference, which is the best confirmation of the quality of the IPO. Another impression is the number and quality of side events during the conference, which is a confirmation that the world is really uniting around problems related to narcotics, especially when it comes to prevention, but also the process of health and social rehabilitation of the vulnerable.
“Ass.Prof.Dr. Ilija Zivotic, IPO Founder and Honorary President”
- IPO showed once again that with the seriousness and dedicated work that it is doing, it is giving a great contribution through education and scientific work which aim to create theoretical and practical tools to serve as a bridge between the community and law enforcement by bringing together professional civilian and security structures to contribute together for a safer community and a safer tomorrow.
I am proud of the success we have achieved together in a few years by working with professionalism and dedicating all our forces to the realization of common objectives and for this I want to thank the Founder and Honorary President of IPO, Ass.Prof.Dr. Ilija Zivotic for the constant trust and support he has given me. I also want to thank all the colleagues and representatives of the IPO Sections who have followed us in every step of our work, I also want to thank for their contribution, the colleagues who for different reasons are not more part of our team, especially I want to thank the colleague and collaborator, Ms. Sanela Nikolic for her contribution to the realization of the objectives of the IPO which has followed us step by step for a long time with professionalism and loyalty towards common success.
On behalf of the IPO, I want to thank the members, partners, sympathizers, and all those who trusted us from the first days of the creation of our organization and continue to follow us and believe in our work and objectives for the common goals in the good of the community for a safer tomorrow.
“Dr. Mareglen Tomori, IPO Executive President – CEO”

- I had the honor and pleasure to participate for the second time in the United Nations in Vienna, this time in the session of the 66th session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND). I joined the delegation led by the IPO HQ where I had the honor to meet ambassadors and delegations from different countries with whom we exchanged our experiences and the way of cooperation in the future.
Regarding the presentation of the programs that left an impression on me among many others, I can highlight: the handbook on Youth participation in Drug Prevention and UNDOC training materials- on elements of family therapy for the treatment of adolescents with drug and other substance use disorders.
Special thanks go to IPO HQ for allowing us to participate in this session, which is very important for our future, especially to the young people that we have to support together through participation in various programs of all IPO Sections around the world. I also want to thank the IPO HQ for the trust and appreciation towards me and I am honored to represent the IPO at the UN in Geneva as a permanent representative for the diplomatic relations of the IPO HQ with the international delegations at the UN, a duty that I will fulfill with professionalism, loyalty, and dignity.
“Mr. Imet Cafleshi, President of the IPO Section Switzerland”
- Special thanks to IPO HQ, especially to the Founder and Honorary President of IPO, Ass.Prof.Dr. Ilija Zivotic and to the IPO Executive President Dr. Mareglen Tomori for the invitation and the possibility given to me to participate in the United Nations in Vienna on the session of the 66th session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) which is a very important issue for a safer future.
For me, this was a new and emotional experience where I had the pleasure to meet delegations from different countries with whom we exchanged our experiences and ideas on how to develop our work in the future.
I also want to thank the IPO Headquarters for the appreciation of me and I am honored to represent the IPO Section Italy at the UN in Geneva as the permanent representative for diplomatic relations and human rights, a task which I welcomed with great pleasure and which I will fulfill it with professionalism and seriousness.
“Mr. Alberto Arnaud, Representative of IPO Section Italy”
The IPO Delegation at the UN CND, paid the greatest attention to meetings related to new synthetic drugs that have become a serious problem at the global level, as well as to cooperating with other organizations dealing with the prevention of drug abuse where for this reason, the IPO has created since last year, a special department for the prevention and reduction of drugs through education and different kinds of trainings.
IPO News Room
