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As previously scheduled and announced, IPO organized the second International Congress in Milan, Italy on June 23 and 24, 2023.

On June 23, one day before the congress, the leaders of the IPO Sections from 22 different countries of the world had a meeting with the IPO HQ Leadership, which took place in the premises of Vigailanza NOC Security one of our most important and prestigious partners in Italy.

In the magnificent office building of this company, which houses the monitoring center for the whole city (attendees were convinced of the high level of security of this part of the building), there is also one of our two offices in Milan as our hall of meetings and courses.

It was in that room that we held an internal working meeting between the leadership of IPO HQ and the Heads of IPO sections from 22 different countries, where they discussed the challenges encountered, their developments and priorities in the future, as well as proposed measures and decisions that would enter into force on July 1, 2023.

IPO Sections present at this meeting:

1- Italy

2- Serbia

3- Albania

4- Slovenia

5- Switzerland

6- Montenegro

7- North Macedonia

8- Bosnia and Herzegovina

9- Romania

10- Moldova

11- Bulgaria

12- Slovakia

13- Germany

14- Austria

15- Netherlands

16- Greece

17- Cyprus

18- Pakistan

19- India


21- Kenya

22- Algeria

After the working meeting, packages with symbolic gifts prepared by NOC Security were distributed to the Heads of Sections and delegates, and then all those present had the opportunity to visit the company's premises, where at the end a cocktail was held organized by the Director of NOC Security Mr. Vincenzo Fiorenti, who is also the representative of IPO Italy for the private security sector.

The champagne of this grand ceremony was opened by none other than our friend from the Carabinieri of Milan, Dr. Domenico Sinesi, who also holds the position of IPO Italy Representative for the Lombardy Region.

The meeting ended with photos and hugs, giving way to the big meeting of the second international Congress, which was held the next day, June 24, at the prestigious hotel "Hotel dei Cavalieri Milano Duomo"

You will find a detailed report on the progress of the congress in the following days on our official website.

IPO News Room

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