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Today April 3, IPO Cameroon signed a partnership with a Higher Training Institute run by a blind man.

Partnership both academic and social, between IPO represented by its section in Cameroon, and ISFRAF: the Higher Institute of Training and Research in Agroforestry, within the framework of training and capacity building in safety and environmental protection, fauna and flora.

ISFRAF is a higher institute of training and research in agroforestry, in order to offer its learners and trainees a level of training and research opportunities aligned with international environmental standards, and to open up its training in the specific option of environmental protection and safety, the Institute through IPO Section Cameroon has requested the assistance of the International Police Organization IPO, a multinational, professional and educational NGO specialized in security, the fight against all forms of crime and the protection of communities and their property, with special consultative status at the United Nations – ECOSOC since 2022.

Like IPO, the Higher Institute for Training and Research in Agroforestry is a partner of several National and International organizations in the implementation of its projects. The Higher Institute for Training and Research in Agroforestry is also approved by the Cameroonian Ministry of Forests and Wildlife.

IPO, through its section in Cameroon, will also be responsible for supporting ISFRAF by facilitating the access of its students to internship and training opportunities that IPO could find in Western countries and with its partners.

On the other hand, purely social, IPO Marks another big step in social inclusion, advocated by international bodies and the United Nations, IPO materializes social inclusion through the signature given that the Promoter and Chairman of the Board of Administration of ISFRAF is a Visually Handicapped.

The insertion of a visually handicapped person, a blind person, as a partner in the development project of IPO Cameroon thus testifies to the implementation of the social ambitions of IPO and its primary mission which is to help all strata and all social classes.

IPO Section Cameroon

Official Communication

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