The president of the IPO Section France, Mr. Nébil BEN KHELIFA signed a new partnership with 2 structures in France, Mondial Protection, a private sécurity company, and Vitra France, the virtual training system for law enforcement and security forces.
They all decided to share their experiences and use their network to make communication for IPO also.
Julien Formisano and Jean François GAILLOT also let the possibility to IPO France to organize training sessions using VIRTRA with a special price. And we hope to develop this activity for others sections coming visiting France maybe.
We hope this partnership will bring IPO great visibility and we will also share their communication through our channels.

After the partnership made by IPO France with VIRTRA, the IPO instructors have organized 2 days of training in VIRTRA.
The members were invited to test the system by a team like they work in their job and see many different situations going from a single negotiation to a mass shooting. Our instructors analyze all movements, and decision made by the cops and then try to find the best solution to bring them knowledge for the futur.
Virtra is not a video game but a real tool for additional training for all our forces. In fact, this system is completely evolutive and can be changed, or customized as you want.
The most important part, if the VIRTRA Instructor who will pilot the computer to bring different answers to the situation. He have so many possibilities to push the realism to the max.
Our instructors ask their colleagues to come test by themselves. We receive different units of National police, like counter-terrorism unit, or judicial police, some of municipal police, and security sectors. We show them what IPO can offer as a professional NGO with our training courses, webinars, and shooting training in France. We hope to organize more and more courses during the year.
If you are interested in VIRTRA you can follow their Instagram page or Facebook and see all possibilities.
