Updated: Jun 6, 2022

Every day, more and more, our organization becomes bigger, and not only that we have more members that are interested in education, but development takes a very serious step.
According to that, we decided to create a special department for narcotics and drugs.
As IPO is part of the Vienna committee of drugs UN and participates actively in their conferences, our work and goals become more serious.
On April 30, 13h, we will have the 1st webinar about drug addiction.
This webinar will be the first in the series of five professional webinars.
After all five webinars, all attendees will have the possibility to make a test and check their knowledge.
Each member who will pass the test will be given a chance to become a member of our narcotics and drug department and to participate actively in the work of that department. Certificate and ID Cards will be given to all who pass the test and wish to give a contribution to our new department.
Our goal is to educate young people about the consequences of using drugs and to help and assist to raise their conscience about the danger that it brings, not only for each person but for all the community.
We invite all active members to join the webinar by sending the IPO ID number and the full name to: ipo.coordination@gmail.com
IPO News Room
