Updated: Aug 1, 2022

Today July 31 was held a webinar “Protection of the children in schools” for IPO members.
The webinar was held by Police Officer Mrs. Sanela Nikolic, IPO Coordination Director and Director for the IPO LED law enforcement department, and attended by more than 120 members from our sections around the world who expressed great interest in this topic.
As we announced, the topic of this webinar was the protection of children from global problems in schools all over the world, such as peer violence, cyber violence, and beginner drugs used by students as well as the role of police and security officers in schools.
School – Police relationships have a long history, only with years started to change, changes not only structure and role of police officers, but also the problems changed in much bigger. School police officers are sworn law enforcement officers responsible for safety and crime prevention in schools. Officers often play a blended role in schools, depending on the unique characteristics of the school.
The most important thing for school-based officers is to know what is their role and how to best engage with students, parents, administrators, and teachers.
The most common representation of qualities and functions of the school-based officers are educator and mentor In many jurisdictions, officers do not only patrol the halls and the campus complex but also work in classrooms as instructors on topics that relate to policing. That topics include peer violence, cyberbullying, alcohol and drug awareness, and crime prevention, which were the main thematic of our webinar.
IPO is preparing a program for school officers who will help the children in schools to learn them about the danger of new age, that we was talking about.
The point is to reach every student in different ways.
Prevention programs for youth and school students should enhance social and academic competencies with the following skills:
• Academic support and study attitudes;
• Communication;
• Peer relationships;
• Self-efficacy and safety;
• Drug-resistant abilities;
• Reinforcement of antidrug behaviors;
• Strengthening personal commitments to drug abuse.
Prevention programs are most effective when they use interactive techniques, such as peer discussion groups and the role parents play, school police officers, allowing active involvement in learning about drug abuse and skill-building.
We invite all of you, who are interested to learn and educate yourself and also to contribute for a safer future, and working with us, to become our member by applying following form
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