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Sexual abuse against children

Sexual abuse of children is a form of compulsion to have a child by an adult. Sexual abuse can happen to both men and women, which can be committed both online and in reality. This phenomenon in all ways is considered a crime and totally illegal.

What are the forms of sexual abuse: touches without your consent, you are forced to have sex, you are forced to watch erotic pictures or videos, you are forced to have sexually explicit conversations, etc. All this can happen in reality or through webcams even without your fault and desire.

But even when these things happen to you, it should not be your fault. No one has the right to abuse someone with sexual motives. So if you are dealing with this phenomenon you should definitely communicate with parents who will help you stop the person who is forcing you to do such things. It doesn’t matter who that person, friend, friend, family, boyfriend, girlfriend, stranger, etc. is. Such an occurrence should always be indicated and prevented immediately.

If you ever encounter such phenomena, you should immediately turn to your parents or other family members for immediate help and to prevent this from putting you at risk.

Mareglen Tomori


Consultant Expert in Forensic,

Investigative and Criminological Sciences

National Register of Professional Mat. 711

Section Leader Italy

International Police Organization

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