Criminology is the science that deals with criminal facts in their phenomenological aspects, of variation in time and place, in the social and economic conditions that favor its diffusion and modifications; of the perpetrators of the crimes, with their psychological characteristics o psychopathological, and with the environmental and situational factors that are at play in the criminal actions of the single; of the social reaction that the crime arouses; of the victims, of the interventions in their favor, of the roles they played in the genesis of the crime; finally, more extensively, criminology is concerned of the phenomenon of deviance, even in its non-criminal manifestations.
Criminology differs from other criminal sciences because it deals with crime according to one multidisciplinary perspective. In fact, notions provided by several disciplines refer to criminology: sociology, psychology, social psychology, psychiatry, medicine, pedagogy, statistics, anthropology, philosophy, forensics sciences, and law.
Criminology is not only a discipline of study and theoretical analysis, but it also has implications practical. In fact, it is appropriate to use the term "applied criminology" to refer to the whole of interventions aimed, through the knowledge of the criminologist as a professional operator, to treat the various issues for which the judicial system needs its particular knowledge. Criminologists, for example, carry out assessments and resocialization treatment of offenders within prison facilities.
Not only that, but criminological knowledge is also used in aid and support projects for the victims of crime and in those of mediation; finally, in recent years, criminology has found ample space in prevention activities, social or situational, which aim to respond to the growing sense of citizens' insecurity in the face of crime.
The work of the Criminologist exercises a great deal of fascination in public opinion.
This professional has the arduous task to understand and fight crime.
A role that needs a broad range of skills, in addition to the passion and predisposition of "Get your hands dirty" with the evil that grips our society. In fact, criminology studies the criminal phenomenon at 360 °, both from a point of individual and psychological view, to understand the personality of the performer of a crime, both from a social point of view, to understand the environment around which the offenders revolve.
Everything around crime is the source of study for the forensic science expert, therefore also the framework regulatory and legal status of a country on the matter. It is therefore inevitable that to access this profession it is necessary to have excellent preparation in various fields of study.
The path of an expert in forensic science ( or criminologist ) normally goes through a degree in psychology, sociology, law, medicine, or political science.
These paths of study are those that offer the training most relevant to the profession of
criminologist. In fact, they include basic exams in the teaching offer that allow you to continue with a specialist degree or a master's degree in criminology or forensic science.

What does criminology study?
Criminology is the science that studies crimes, perpetrators, their victims, types of
criminal conduct (and the consequent social reaction), possible forms of prevention and
crime control, methods for the social reintegration of offenders, and support for victims.
The activities covered by the profession of Criminologist are based on technical specifications and multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary methodologies aimed at the study of the authors of crime, victims, methods of execution of the crime, types of criminal conduct (of the consequent social reaction), of the possible forms of prevention and control, of the re-education of deviant or criminal subjects and their social reintegration. In the aforementioned areas, the criminologist carries out consultancy, planning, social & crime analysis, and research activities in the investigative, judicial, extrajudicial, and penitentiary fields.
Criminology is the discipline that studies crime and deviance, the perpetrators and victims of offenses and criminal acts, as well as the reaction to these phenomena.
Criminology is characterized by the study of the offender and the offense according to one approach interdisciplinary and includes psychology, law, psychiatry, sociology, and neuroscience.
Each of these disciplines studies - adopting its own point of view - crime and deviance.
Criminology constitutes an interdisciplinary approach between the different scientific disciplines and humanities with respect to the offender as a person and to crime as a social phenomenon; it also focuses on crime prevention, treatment, and control strategies.
By Dr. Tomori Mareglen
Criminologist & Crime Analyst,
Expert in Forensics Sciences, Investigative Criminology & Intelligence
Executive President - CEO
International Police Organization IPO
