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The New University Civilian Guard Organization Hungary

The new University Civilian Guard Organization (UCGO) is a major step in the history of civilian guard

The new UCGO was founded on 11, February, 2020 at the National University of Public Service (NUPS) in Budapest. It will operate as a part of the Budapest Civilian Guard Association. The main goal of the new organization is to strengthen the public order and security perception of citizens. This goal will be realized through cooperation of university students, professors, law enforcement professionals and civilians. Creating a safer tomorrow also requires strategic cooperation with law enforcement agencies.

The founding document of the NUPS Civilian Guard was signed by dr. András Koltay, (rector of the National University of Public Service), Pál Kardos (president of the Budapest Civil Guard Association), and dr. Sándor Kovács, the newly elected president of the organization.

At the founding ceremony Prof. dr. Péter Ruzsonyi (Dean of the Faculty of Law) reminded the audience for the event, when 21 years ago the first Police College and the Hungarian Civilian Guard Association signed the first cooperation agreement. Since then the cooperation has been continuous and successful between professionals and civilians who want to work for public security. One of the main novelties of the current agreement is, that the faculty and the law enforcement students are expected to patrol together with civilians within the Budapest Civilian Guard. Therefore, students will learn organizational techniques which they can use later as a police officer.

Dr. pol. colonel Attila Markó, (Deputy Chief of Budapest Police Chief) said that the Civil Guard, as a strategic partner of the police help to secure many events in the capital city. He emphasised the importance of scientific research made by university students on this field because it is extremely respectable if civilians work in their spare time for the community and strengthen public safety.

Pál Kardos, on behalf of the Budapest Civilian Guard Association said, that the new cooperation is a pioneering innovation, because students learn to see the work of the law enforcement from another aspect. He highlighted the recruitment ; the NUPS CG look forward to welcoming the joining students and teachers.

Finally the 12 founding members signed the founding documents, therefore the NUPS CG was legally established. The officers were elected and recruitment is currently under way.

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