Dear IPO members, as we have announced several times on our official website and social network pages, IPO HQ will delete from the archive system all members who have not renewed their membership for a long time and those who have not updated their data in accordance with the new IPO regulations.
Data updating is a very important process that is carried out in accordance with EU regulations under the terms of the current Legislative Decree 196/2003 on privacy and European Union Regulation 679/2016 - GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation as IPO HQ is based in Europe, Italy.
For more, visit the link below https://www.interpolice.org/membership
This is the last announcement and starting from Monday, August 15, we will act practically by deleting from our archives the members of this category, as well as their exclusion from all IPO groups and social networks.
Many of you may not like this but the rules are rules and must be respected, correctness and seriousness is our common task in our professional journey.
For any need you may have, please contact us at the email made available to you: ipomemberservice@gmail.com
Thanking you for your understanding and cooperation,
we wish you a happy summer season.
Dr. Tomori Mareglen,
Executive President - CEO
International Police Organization IPO
