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The International Police Organization IPO led by the Executive President - CEO, Criminologist Dr. Mareglen Tomori, in close cooperation with the Ministry of the Interior of Albania, the Prefect of Fier District, the General Directorate of the State Police - DPPSH, with the Center for the Prevention of Juvenile and Youth Crimes - QPKMR at the Ministry of Justice, with the Agency State Office for the Rights and Protection of Children - ASHDMF at the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, organized on May 9, 2024, near the Prefect of Fier District a joint "Consultation Table" with representatives of the Local Public Safety Councils (KVSP - District Municipalities) Fier), with the theme:

"The importance of KVSP in the field of community policing and inter-institutional coordination".


The consultation table was held under the direction of the Secretary General of Fier Prefecture Mr. Arben Velo, delegated as Prefect of Fier District, where participated representatives from the Municipalities: Fier, Lushnje, Mallakastër, Roskovec, Patos, Divjakë.

The consultation table was opened with the speech of Mr. Arben Velo and was followed by Dr. Mareglen Tomori, Executive President - CEO of the International Police Organization IPO, Mrs. Lindona Gega Specialist of the Center for the Prevention of Juvenile Crimes QPKMR, Mrs. Elona Halilosmani and Mrs. Elisa Disdari, Specialist of the State Agency for the Rights and Protection of Children - ASHDMF as well as the Representative of the General Directorate of the State Police, Chief Commissioner Roland Alushani and the representatives of the Local Police Directorate DVP Fier.


In the meeting, inter-institutional and citizen-police cooperation was discussed.

• The police must demonstrate professionalism and integrity, adhering to the code of professional ethics, emphasized Mr. Velo. The police must display a high degree of integrity in the performance of their duties, be willing, be able to perform their duties honestly, impartially, and efficiently, caring only for the public interest and the people to whom they are assigned to serve.

• Citizens and the community must be sensitized and instilled with a sense of trust and cooperation. They should be gradually educated to cooperate with the police, as this serves their well-being and gives them value and not anti-value, as is often perceived. 

• Chief Commissioner Alushani described the strategy "Community Policing and Interinstitutional Coordination" as the most effective, aimed at solving social problems in a community

According to him, this serves to enable:

• joint problem analysis

• to identify possible solutions, relying on the basic principles of community policing: commitment, trust, flexibility, integrity, visibility, impartiality, legitimacy, and commitment to the implementation of the basic principle of respect for human rights.


In following, the topic of the meeting was presented by Dr. Marenglen Tomori and the Lecturers Lindona Gega, Mrs. Elona Halilosmani, and Mrs. Elisa Disdari, and the representative of the General Directorate of the State Police Chief Commissioner Roland Alushani, regarding:

• Inter-institutional coordination in the field of community policing.

• Prevention of bullying and crime in schools and in the community.

• Creating a safe environment for children both in the school educational process and outside it.

• Long-term rehabilitation of minors in conflict with the law by creating suitable living conditions for them as well as offering professional training courses.

Dr. Tomori emphasized: Domestic Violence, Care and support of abandoned children, and Finding funds to build structures for minors in each municipality.

According to Dr. Tomori, "It is necessary to provide sufficient funds not only from budget sources but also from various donors" for the establishment in each District Municipality of reception structures for minors such as Day Centers for minors as well as for the long-term rehabilitation of minors in conflict with the law without forgetting the cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports


In the framework of the inter-institutional cooperation, the International Police Organization IPO, the Ministry of the Interior of Albania - Prefectures of the Republic of Albania, the General Directorate of the State Police - DPPSH, with the Center for the Prevention of Crimes of Minors and Young People - QPKMR at the Ministry of Justice, with the State Agency for Children's Rights and Protection - ASHDMF and civil society, it is worked on the development and realization of common objectives for a safer community and a safer tomorrow.


This activity, which is planned to be extended to all Prefectures of the Republic of Albania, is organized within the work plan for 2024 also according to the instructions and initiative of the Ministry of the Interior of Albania to strengthen the role of the Prefect and Local Councils of Public Safety - KVSP.

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